Your e-poster will be available during the whole length of the conference on multimedia screens spread throughout the Exhibition Hall. In addition, all E-posters will be made available for viewing on the conference website and app up to one month after the conference.
Please find some regulations on handling and expectations regarding your e-poster below.
Electronic posters only - no paper
Please note that only E-posters will be accepted for BSW 2019. No paper posters will be accepted.
Display of e-posters
E-posters are on display throughout the whole conference on multimedia screens situated in the poster area in the Exhibition hall (Albert Hall). All e-posters are available on all screens.
What is an E-poster?
An e-poster is an electronic poster displayed on computer screens, instead of printed on paper like a traditional poster.
What formats can I use?
Only material in *.pdf can be accepted.
Please create your poster in the following format: DIN A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm), portrait orientation. This way, your poster details will show nicely on the large screens as the resolution is then maintained.
Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and animated slide transitions are not permitted for ePosters and will be non-functioning.
For your convenience, we add a link to a powerpoint template file on the conference website, providing you the correct size and orientation, together with artwork related to the conference.
Are there any limitations to the size of my E-poster?
Maximum 1 page can be uploaded.
You can include the logo of the congress and conference title in the document, without being too visible (see attached file).
How is my poster being displayed?
All E-posters will be displayed during the entire conference in the E-poster area in the exhibition hall. The E-posters will be displayed on user friendly multimedia screens available for E-posters only. All E-posters will be available on each screen.
Besides being displayed onsite during the conference, all E-posters will be made available for viewing on the conference website and app up to one month after the conference unless objected by the presenting author.
How can I upload my poster?
E-posters should be uploaded before the conference. Login as an author through the system, select ‘My submissions’ and select the abstract where you want to submit your poster for. When you are convinced this is the abstract where you want to upload your pdf for, click on the right sided menu on ‘Program’, and then you will see a new right sided menu where you can choose to upload you slides. Choose this option to upload your pdf.
All E-posters should be uploaded at the latest Friday May 3rd 2019 before midnight via the Easychair system. After May 3rd, no uploads will be possible and your poster will not be included on the poster screens.