Call for abstracts BSW 2023
Call for abstracts: « Free Paper », «Poster», «Videos » of the 24th BSW
Abstract submission deadline extended until Sunday February 12th, 23:59:59 CET!
Dear Colleagues,
The 24th Belgian Surgical Week will take place in the Ostend Thermae Palace, from
Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th April 2023.
The scientific theme of the meeting, suggested by the President, and approved by the full Board is
Surgical preconditioning of Patient and Surgeon
A fit Surgeon for a fit Patient.
In general, congresses focus on new technologies and innovations which will always exist and remain important congress’ themes. Yet the final surgical outcome will not only be the result from appropriate surgical indication, meticulous surgical technique and cautious follow-up but also from the physical/psychological condition of the patient and her/his surgeon. We introduced ERAS in all different fields of surgery, but we can do better in the period between the surgical indication along with the planning and the final day of surgery: how to optimize this period to get our patient as fit as possible? What is the status of “surgical preconditioning”?
What about us as professionals? Are we as surgeons always in an optimal fit condition? Is our profession adapted to the tasks we want to accomplish? How are surgical complications or eventual postop deaths affecting us? Did we do something wrong? Did we oversee something? Are we faced with lawsuits or audits and how do we cope? Is our surgical society performing well with our trainees? How are they doing after their recognition? There is a growing group of surgical fellows?
Thanks to the dynamism of the RBSS’ sections and affiliated societies, this year’s congress will enable a review of those advances that have already arisen or that could be integrated in a near future in our surgical field.
The scientific committee of the R.B.S.S. has equally put together free Paper, Video and Poster sessions which are not specifically limited to the general theme of the congress. We thus encourage you to register and we look forward to welcoming you at the biggest surgical yearly event in Belgium.
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