BSW 2020 Faculty: Gabriel Liberale


Gabriel Liberale, MD, PhD      


 Dr GabrielLiberale


Gabriel Liberale, MD, PhD, ESBQ, graduated as a medical doctor in 1997 at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium) and later obtained his PhD at the same university with a doctoral thesis entitled 'Role of ICG-Fluorescence Imaging in the staging and treatment of colorectal cancer'. Currently, he is a senior surgeon in the department of Surgical Oncology at Institut J. Bordet (ULB) and he is Head of Digestive Surgery.

Gabriel Liberale is ‘associate professor’ of Surgical Oncology at ULB Medical School and he is responsible for the management of peritoneal surface malignancies of colorectal and ovarian cancer. He has an interest in Fluorescence Imaging in the field of surgical oncology including the sentinel lymph node detection. He is (co)author of over 60 publications. He is a board member of the Royal Belgian Society for Surgery (RBSS), Belgian Surgical Society of Oncology (BSSO) and Belgian Group for Endoscopic Surgery (BGES). He is a member of several international scientific societies (European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), European Organization for Research and Treatment  of Cancer (EORTC), European Society of Molecular Imaging (ESMI), …).  


Dr. Liberale accepted to give two lectures during the virtual BSW dedicated to COVID-19:

-      "Snapshot of surgical activity in Belgium during the lockdown" during the 'Surgery in times of COVID-19: Some aspects of surgical activity' session on November 27th 2020.

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