General information

Dates 21st Belgian Surgical Week-Light

Wednesday 25th until Friday 27th November 2020: online presentations with one plenary session on Friday 27th; Saturday 28th November 2020 live RBSS-BGES-BAST workshop.


The 21st edition of the Belgian Surgical Week will be held online due to the erupted COVID-19 pandemic. RBSS will foresee, in close collaboration with her partner AIM, in a dedicated online platform where presentatuons and interactions will be possible between speakers and attendees.


No parking fees, train tickets or airport transfers are needed to attend the 21st BSW 2020 Light. Just online access and a CHROME-webbrowser are needed to be able to enter the platform, which will be granted after your registration for the conference! As for a 'real life' conference, speakers also need to register for the conference in order to be able to present. More info on the registration page of the conference website.


The official language of the Congress is English. Simultaneous translation is NOT provided.


Accreditation for general accreditation as well as for E&E will be requested once the program has been finalised. 

In registering for the Congress, participants agree that neither the Congress Committee nor the Organisers assume any liability whatsoever. Participants and sponsors should therefore organise their own health and personal insurances.

Exhibition and industry interaction
The live exhibition will be replaced by a virtual meeting place, as well as commercial breaks in between the sessions.  Access to the virtual exhibition platform is free for all participants.

The 21st Belgian Surgical Week 2020-Light is organised together with:
Belgian Association for Ambulatory Surgery (BAAS)
Belgian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (BACTS)
Belgian Association for Pediatric Surgery (BELAPS)
Belgian Group for Endoscopic Surgery (BGES)
Belgian Society for Surgical Oncology (BSSO)
Belgian Society for Vascular Surgery (BSVS)
Belgian Trauma Society (BTS)
Belgian Association for Surgical Trainees (BAST)
Collegium Chirurgicum (CC)
and the Sections of the RBSS:
Belgian Section for Abdominal Wall Surgery (BSAWS)
Belgian Section for Breast Surgery (BSBS)
Belgian Section for Colorectal Surgery (BSCRS)
Belgian Section for Endocrine Surgery (BSES)
Belgian Section for Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery (BSHBPS)
Belgian Section for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery (BeSOMS)
Belgian Section for Upper GI Surgery (BSUGIS)

Scientific Secretariat
Av. W. Churchill-laan 11/30, Brussel 1180 Bruxelles
Phone +32 (0)2 374 51 58- Fax +32 (0)2 374 96 28
Website :
Enterprose number: 422.621.575
Congress Secretariat
AIM Group International - Brussels Offce
Grensstraat, 7 - B-1831 Diegem (Belgium)
Phone: +32 (0)2 722 82 30
  • Hits: 3223