RBSS President 2023-2024

Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,

As new RBSS’ President, I firstly would like to congratulate our Past President, Dirk Ysebaert as well as the RBSS Board for their work which led to a successful edition of the 24th Belgian Surgical Week dedicated to the theme “A fit Surgeon for a fit Patient”.

The 2020 Covid pandemic having negatively impacted the attendance at our annual meeting, this year however the number of attendees equalled that of 2019, showing a progressive return to normal life.

Our next annual congress being the 25th edition of the BSW, will be held in the Ostend Thermae Palace from 25th to 27th April 2024 with as theme  



prof.dr. Gabriel Liberale


‘Beyond the visible: surgical innovations ‘


This time we will focus on the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), ICG-guided laparoscopic and robotic surgery as well as molecular imaging in our surgical practices. As examples: molecular imaging guided surgery allowing to see tumour undetected by the naked eye or AI assisting the surgeon to guide surgery (cholecystectomy, hepatic tumours,…). Thus, all technologies helping surgeons to improve surgical dissection and/or resection quality.

Additionally, we will also explore the rapidly growing research on new therapeutic modalities (immunotherapy, radiotheranostics,…) and of the microbioma in surgical outcomes.

I am confident that the discussions taking place during this congress will contribute to the improvement of patient care and will increase our motivation to use these new technologies for our future surgical procedures.

Our RBSS annual congress remains the occasion for surgeons and trainees to meet and interact with each other.

During this year’s presidency, several sections of the RBSS will organize postgraduate courses and workshops. Moreover, driven by J. Lemaitre Chairman of the RBSS’ Educational Committee and in collaboration with the BAST, the very first meeting on surgical simulation will take place in Nivelles on 29th September next. Together with the concerned sections, educational tours (VATS, Colorectal, Endocrine, HPB, UGI, Abdominal wall) will be set up during the academic year 2023-2024. Equally a 4th edition of the RBSS/BAST weekend will happen on 20th & 21st January 2024.

Hoping to see you numerous at all these RBSS initiatives as well as at the 25th anniversary congress in Ostend.


                           Gabriel Liberale, RBSS President 2023-2024

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