New Year wishes and 2021 BSW dates !

Dear all, 


On behalf of the RBSS board and our trusted  secretary Annette,  I wish all of you to have a serene end of this horrible year.

We all hope that you didn’t suffer personal loss, and that you will be able to spend some time with your family, albeit within the legal limits. 


Having legal limits about spending time with friends and family is a sad thing…... but it is we have no choice : limiting our social contacts to the minimum minimorum is probably the wisest thing to do.

Let’s hope 2021 will be the year we got rid of COVID. 


We also hope to have a real BSW next year and to meet a lot of you there.

So save the date for the next BSW : 7-11/9/2021.


Take care of each other.






Dr. Charles de Gheldere F.E.B.S.Gen. Surg.

President RBSS

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