Kris Vanhaecht , RN, Ph.D.


KU Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy

University Hospitals Leuven & Flemish Hospital Network

KULeuven, Belgium




Kris Vanhaecht is an  Associate Professor at Leuven University involved in research & teaching in Quality in Healthcare within the Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy, Faculty of Medicine. He is Policy Advisor on Quality Management at the University Hospitals Leuven & Flemish Hospital Network. On international level he collaborates with Dutch hospitals on leadership development, with the Western Norway Research Network on Integrated Care, Helse Fonna on care pathways and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston on quality & safety management. He is an expert on quality for the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQUA).

He is the Secretary General of the European Pathway Association (, an international not for profit association to support knowlegde sharing, research & teaching on the organization of care processes. He leads the European Quality of Care Pathway Study. Specialties: Care pathways, care process organization, quality, safety , healthcare, second victims after adverse events, mangomoments In 2017 he launched the "In search of Mangomoments" movement on patient centered care, in which health care workers provide happiness to patients with unexpected little gestures.

His motto is “Quality is the result of care”

Kris will discuss medical errors from the point of view of the perpetrator ; the “second victim” at Thursday morning’s September 9th plenary session.

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