BSAWS 5th Belgian Hernia Day
Saturday March 23rd 2019
Faculty Club - Groot Begijnhof 14 - 3000 Leuven
First session: Emerging techniques in abdominal wall repair
Moderators: Nele Van De Winkel (Leuven), Julien Lemaire (Yvoir)
9:30 e-TEP : indications and surgical technique - Mathias Allaeys (Brussels)
TARUP and r-TARUP, technical aspect and rationale - Tijl Vierendeels (Aalst)
Transversus Abdominis Release, from open to robotic - Filip Muysoms (Ghent)
11:00 Coffee break
Second session: Parastomal hernia: How to avoid it … and how to deal with it
Moderators: Marijke Van De Moortel (Antwerp), Claude Bertrand (Yvoir)
11:30 How to prevent? - Frederik Berrevoet (Ghent)
Treatment options and techniques - Julien Lemaire (Yvoir)
Management of complications - Bob Bloemendaal (Genk)
13:00 Lunch
Third session: Para-esophageal hernia management: state of the art
Moderators: Issam El Nakadi (Brussels), Anthony Beunis (Antwerp)
14:00 Para-esophageal hernia repair: technical aspects - Philippe Hauters (Tournai)
Indications for surgery and mesh cruroplasty - Claude Bertrand (Yvoir)
15:00 Quiz
16:00 Conclusion and end of meeting
Event Properties
Event Date | 23-03-2019 9:00 |
Event End Date | 23-03-2019 16:30 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Individual Price | €25,00 |
Location | Faculty Club Leuven |
Categories | BSAWS, °RBSS Events |