Dear Colleagues,

The 22nd Belgian Surgical Week will take place in the Antwerp Elisabeth Centre (, from Thursday 8th to Saturday 11th September 2021.

The scientific theme of the meeting, suggested by the President, and approved by the full Board is

"Connecting the dots"

We hope this theme will be an inspiration to the different affiliated societies and sections when preparing their programs.

COVID – 19 has taught the surgical community many lessons. We have learned what it is to be in “lock-down”, not to be able to see patients nor colleagues. It has taught us the value of tele- and video conferencing, which has showed us that many of the movements we did are not necessary. However, most of us have also realized the importance of sharing moments with colleagues to discuss surgical techniques or just drinking a beer, spending a moment of conviviality.   

The “BSW-light” was born out of necessity, but proved to be a success with over 500 colleagues attending and record numbers of colleagues, over 100, joining the virtual free paper sessions and the plenary session.

Due to insecurities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the RBSS has not yet decided in which format (virtual or hybrid) the BSW 2021 will take place. Communication on this matter will follow in the coming months. This should, however, have no impact on abstract submission and the reviewing process. Therefore, we send out this call for abstracts.

We welcome abstracts for the free paper sessions, video sessions and e-poster sessions, starting from 29.3.2021 00:00 (CET, Brussels Time) with the deadline set at Sunday 06.06.2021 23:59:59 (CET, Brussels Time) (new deadline !).

Submission guidelines will be available at

The Belgian Surgical week is really important, not only for trainees, but also for every senior member of the R.B.S.S., giving all of us the opportunity to share her/his experience and offering everyone a good opportunity for discussion.

The RBSS board hopes that, despite the uncertainties inherent to the pandemic, you will stay motivated to “do science” and help us maintain the great momentum we have experienced during the BSW – light.  


Please submit abstracts through the submission platform: click here to read the instructions for authors and submit your work!


We loog forward for your collaboration!


Sincerely yours,


The RBSS President

Charles de Gheldere


The Scientific Secretaries,

G. Liberale – N. Komen

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