

Dear Colleagues,

The 20th Belgian Surgical Week will take place in the Ostend Thermae Palace, from Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th May 2019.

This year, being the 20th edition of the Belgian Surgical Week, the opening ceremony will be dedicated to

The management of complications in surgery”.

The scientific theme of the meeting, suggested by the President, and approved by the full Board is


This theme will trigger off many interesting sessions prepared by the affiliated societies and sections of the RBSS.

And as previous years, the Friday plenary session, will be dedicated to conferences centred on the congress’ theme.

The session initiated by the BAST seven years ago, and who will contact trainers and trainees, will elaborate a meeting about clinical cases. The selection of the cases will be performed by the BAST in collaboration with the Scientific Committee of the RBSS.

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Besides these lectures, the scientific committee of the R.B.S.S. will organise Free Paper, video and poster sessions which are not limited to the general theme of the congress. Every topic is most welcome! Case reports will not be selected among the free papers.

Moreover, the possibility to submit a free paper, poster or video for participation in a special “Awards Session” honouring not only the best free paper, but equally the best poster and the best video will be possible. The rules will shortly be published on the website.

Sessions dedicated to the presentation of free papers, videos and poster separate from the ‘Award Session’ will equally be held.

We think that these meetings are really important, not only for our trainees, but also for every senior member of the R.B.S.S., as they will give the chance for everyone to share his/her experience and they will consequently offer a good opportunity for discussion and confrontation, which is really important for the life of the R.B.S.S.

We thus encourage you to submit abstracts through the following website address:

Abstract submission will run between 1st December 2018 and 31st January 2019 23:59:59 CET.


We thank you for your prompt collaboration. Sincerely yours,


The Scientific Secretaries,

G. Liberale – N. Komen

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