1st announcement of the BSW 2018!

1st announcement - call for abstracts

Dear Colleagues,

The 19th Belgian Surgical Week will take place in the Ostend Thermae Palace, from Thursday 3rd to Saturday 5th May 2018

This year, being the 125th anniversary of the RBSS, the opening ceremony will be dedicated to the history and the future of surgery.

The scientificc theme of the meeting, suggested by the President and approved by the full board is

The Expanding Universe of Surgical Technology


Besides lectures, as previous years there will be also place for free paper, video and poster sessiosn which are not limited to the general theme of the congress.

We thus already encourage you to submit abstracts via the conference website:


Abstract submission will run between 1st of January 2018 and 14th February 2018 23:59:59 CET.


More information on rules of awards and regulations about the abstracts will be available closer to the start of the submission period. Please revisit the site to stay updated!



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