3rd RBSS meets BAST weekend ahead!

3rd RBSS-meets-BAST weekend - 2022 edition

Edition 2022 finally confirmed!

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Initially planned in March 2020 but further postponed due to the ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, the RBSS and the BAST are happy to announce the new date of the RBSS meets BAST weekend @Ardennes: 27-28 November 2022 08h30 - Sunday 13h30 at R-hotel (****) in Remouchamps, close to Liège.

This weekend is intended for both junior and senior surgical trainees, that will focus on hands-on training, theory and practice on medical writing, networking with senior surgeons and just having fun in 30 hours!

The progtam has been assembled with care to get your skills further depeninding on the advancement of your surgical training with different exercises for 1-2-3 year and 4-5-6 year trainees.

The participation fee of 100 EUR covers your participation in all parts of the program including the hands-on sessions, the medical writing course, team building activity as well as your hotel stay for 1 night in a shared room (as to minimize direct costs), lunch on Saturday as well as on Sunday before departure, breakfast on Sunday and an informal diner on Saturday evening.

Registration is open for all trainees that are member of the Belgian Association of Surgical Trainees (BAST) and are made on a first come, first served base.

Discover the program here below.



Saturday 26/11/2022


Arrival & welcome


Simulation for trainees in 1e-2e-3e years part I

Simendo/dry lab

Trainees 4-5-6: liver, lung, vascular and thoracic surgery: how I do it-video session

  • VATS lobectomy
  • Carotid and femoropopliteal shunt; Dr Abi Khalil
  • Laparoscopic liver surgery: dr. J. Jaekers


Simulation 1e-2e years part II

Simendo/dry lab

3-6 years: Simulation: part I

 Stupnik (thoracic); vascular simulation, Wetlab gallbladder,




How to write an article? – theoretical session - Prof Abe Fingerhut


Critical appraisal of the literature: a primer for surgeons – Prof Wim Ceelen


Preparation for teambuilding


Team building activity Outsider




Sunday 27/11/2022


  How to write an article? – workshop - Prof Abe Fingerhut


How i do it (for all participants)

-             Rectal cancer: TATME,  proctocolectomy: Dr N Abbes

-              Basics of endocrine surgery: Prof D  Ysebaert

-              Obesity surgery: Prof A De Roover

-              Proctology: some standards procedures





End of sessions and return home

Event Properties

Event Date 26-11-2022 8:30
Event End Date 27-11-2022 13:30
Cut off date 23-11-2022
Capacity 30
Registered 25
Available place 5
Individual Price €100,00
Location R-hotel Remouchamps
Categories Education Committee, °RBSS Events, BAST

Venue Information - R-hotel Remouchamps


Location Map

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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