Dear Colleagues,afficheBSW17small

The 17th Belgian Surgical Week will take place in the Brussels Square Congress Centre, from Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st May 2016.

This year’s scientific theme, chosen by our President Prof. Jan LERUT and approved by the RBSS Board is


This theme will trigger off many interesting sessions prepared by the affiliated societies and sections of the RBSS. For the first time the BSW 2016 will be held with the official participation of the Belgian Transplantation Society and the two national Allied Health Care Professional Organisations, VVOV and AFISO.

This 2016 edition of the BSW is not at all a transplantation meeting but a meeting highlighting the influence of transplantation practices on many procedures which are nowadays regularly performed in all fields of surgery.

The presidential session focusing on the very actual theme of training in surgery, will be followed by two plenary sessions dedicated to the arching congress’ theme. For the first time RBSS honorary memberships will be awarded to two very distinguished surgeons.

Two interactive sessions, organized by the BAST, will focus on clinical case discussions between trainers and trainees. The case selection will be done by the BAST in collaboration with the RBSS Scientific Committee.

Besides ten different dedicated sessions, eight time slots are reserved for ‘Free Oral Papers’, not limited to the theme of the congress. Every topic is more than welcome; interesting case reports can still be considered for these sessions.

This year too, a session with selected videos is proposed whereby the opportunity to submit an original video is equally offered. The selection will be based on the originality of the subject and the quality of the presentation. For this kind of presentation, a written abstract presenting the video and the subject through the separate video track on the submission website is required, together with a low quality movie of max 50MB which can be uploaded through the submission system (maximum duration : 8 mins). The instructions as well as more information on the other tpes of papers can be found in the Instructions for authors' on the conference website and the abstract submission system.

Following last year’s great success, six deferred live surgery sessions will be prepared by the affiliated societies (BSVS-BACTS-BSSO) and all different sections of the RBSS.

Trainees and young surgeons (up to 35 years of age) have the possibility to submit their work for the RBSS Young Investigators Award (see instructions for authors enclosed). The best clinical and basic research papers, selected by the Scientific Committee, will be presented during the “RBSS Young Investigators challenge” on Friday afternoon May 20th. The two best papers in each subtype of this session will be awarded.

The ten best posters will be presented at the “Speed dating poster session” on Friday noon May 20th. The two best poster presentations will also be awarded.

Finally the BSW will end on May 21st in the afternoon from 14 to 17 hrs. with a “BAST-BGES hands-on dry lab training course” for our younger trainees.

We feel all different sessions do not only allow trainees, but also trainers, senior surgeons and members of the RBSS to share their experience and to offer opportunities for fruitful discussions and networking.

Your work must be submitted trough the abstract submission system on the website of the RBSS. Abstract submission opens January 15th 2016 and will close 29th February 2016 at midnight.

We thank you for your collaboration and hope to see you in Brussels!

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