RBSS President 2021-2022

Dear Members,
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Friends,

During the next months I have the honour to endorse the role of President of the RBSS.
Our society has the goal to improve, stimulate and promote surgical activity among surgeons and residents. In this line, the theme of the Belgian Surgical Week 2022 will be


prof.dr. Arnaud De Roover


Expanding the Field of Surgery


We are increasingly faced with technological innovations challenging our current practice. Until now the trend was to progressively limit the scope of surgical indications at the benefit of other medical specialties. Surgeons have however a unique knowledge of anatomy and a technical expertise that strongly supports their legitimacy to integrate those new treatment modalities in their arsenal. This underlines the need to rethink residents and postgraduate surgical training. Professional surgical organizations have also an important role to play to avoid a future where our role would be limited to rescue surgery.

Increasing the field of surgery depends on surgical innovations but also on new indications provided for example by new neoadjuvant modalities.

This year’s congress will allow to make a review of those advances and hopefully lead to include them in our surgical field. So, keep the date! The BSW will take place in Ostend from 5-7 May 2022.

The future of the society can count on the dynamism of its sections and the affiliated societies that I warmly thank in the name of all our members. I encourage you to consult the RBSS web page to consult the program of their activities.


Looking forward to meeting you at one of the future events of the society,


Sincerely Yours

Arnaud De Roover


President of the RBSS 2021-2022

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