Busy autumn for RBSS

Our first weekend of meeting between RBSS and BAST took place the weekend of October 20-21 2018. We had two very fruitful mornings with the trainees who could use several simulators. On Saturday afternoon, we had several team building activities on the race circuit of Francorchamps: pit stop and circuit tour aboard of a Renault Megane RS.

Just before the RBSS-BAST weekend, the first stage of the 'VATS tour-de-Belgique' took place in Erasme hospital. The VATS tour is supported by RBSS and wants to bring young promissing trainees together with renowned surgeons players in their domain of surgery - starting with thoracic surgery as a first discipline. Our two trainees (Dr Arendt and Dr Goeteyn) were able to attend a VATS lobectomy, Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, broncho-navigation and MOC. We had also a pleasant dinner on Thursday evening.



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Impressions of the first RBSS-BAST Weekend



Drs. Arendt en Goeteyn with dr. Sokolow during the first VATS tour at Erasme.

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