retroperitoneal sarcoma bordet 23 01 2016

Belgian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO) 

in collaboration with

Belgian Association of Surgical Trainees (BAST)

Multidisciplinary Symposium on Retroperitoneal Sarcoma

Saturday 23rd January 2016

Institut Jules Bordet

Tagnon Auditorium

121 bld de Waterloo, 1000 Brussels

Morning session

08.30   Registration and coffee

            Moderators      : S. Bonvalot, Paris & B. Carly, Bruxelles.

09.00   The role of radiology in the workup of retroperitoneal sarcoma

            Y. Lefebvre, Bruxelles

09.30   Predictors of survival after resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma, the pathologist point of view

            D. Creytens, Gent

10.00   The medical oncologist approach: neoadjuvant, adjuvant and palliative treatment

            P. Schöffski, Leuven

10.30   Coffee break

            Moderators: W. Ceelen, Gent & G. Liberale, Bruxelles.

11.00   Surgery for retroperitoneal sarcoma: guidelines and pitfalls

            S. Bonvalot, Paris, France.

11.30   The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcoma

            S. Beauvois, Bruxelles

12.00   Cases à la carte

            S. Bonvalot, Paris, France.

12.45   Take home messages

13.00   Lunch

Afternoon Session:

            An interactive workshop on dealing with stress in public speaking     

14.00   How to prepare a convincing Power Point presentation

            W. Ceelen, Gent

14.30   The best improvisations are the ones that are the best prepared

            R. Renlund, ACT

16.30   End of the session

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